SERVICES & offerings


Adults & highly sensitive people (hsp)

Explore your natural human sensitivity & the phenomenon of navigating life & relationships identifying as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Not sure if you are sensitive? Take the quiz here.

JUNGIAN analysis

Making the unconscious conscious will have transformative effects on your outer life & relationships. Explore practical & simple practices to empower you as you create your reality.


sacred plant medicine, before & AFTERCARE

Learn how to successfully engage with psychedelic & psychoacitve plant medicines. Explore the skills to integrate insights that are often gained during a medicine journey or microdosing protocol.


seasonal energy & integrative healing

Synchronize with natural rhythms of mother Gaia through Vedic traditions & harvest cycles. Move through the seasons of your life with the skills to maintain & replenish vital life force.


emotional TRANSFORMATION color therapy

A revolutionary modality that uses a fusion of light & color to help your brain naturally resolve emotional distress & pain. ETT® can be applied to treat a range of symptoms.

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1:1 TRE® somatic session

Learn the exercises & tenants of TRE®; explore your physical expression, how to start & stop tremors & how to balance your biochemistry & neurophysiology through a home practice.